Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My first post!

So I thought I would start this off with a little bit about myself.  I am 28 years old and currently in the best shape of my life.  This is the first time in a very long time that I can honestly say that I am happy with the way my body looks.  The bikinis that I ordered arrived the other day and the dreaded first try on of the season was upon me!  I stood in front of the mirror and for the first time I was happy with what I saw!  It was an amazing feeling!  This was not always the case though...

I come from a family of health nuts who are all physically fit people.  I am the oldest of 3 girls.  I've always referred to myself as "the big sister" ( having more meanings than one unfortunately).  My mother is a tiny woman who spends endless hours in the gym to maintain her excellent physic.  My dad remodels homes for a living and on top of that he plays hockey and water skis.  He is in excellent shape for a man of 57 years old!  Next there's my "health freak" middle sister (age 22) who just graduated with a degree in exercise science.  There is not an ounce of body fat on this child!  She could walk into a bakery full of delicious treats and order a plate of veggies and a water.  If only I had that will power!  Haha!  Lastly there is my baby sister (age 21).  She was a bit of a chubby child growing up, but has since blossomed into a super model of a woman!  She has been blessed with being naturally thin with long lean legs. Freak of nature I tell you! She could sit down to a donut feast and not gain an ounce!  I on the other hand get a whiff of a donut and 5 pounds appear on my thighs!

Here we are.  From left: Mom, baby sister, middle sister, me, Dad.

Then you have me.  I was a thin, active kid growing up.  I was always participating in some sort of sport all the way through high school.  Then college and the dreaded freshman 15+ came.  Ugh.  I liked to party, ate whatever I wanted and didn't work out.  Go figure I gained weight!  A year and a half ago I got on the scale and it read 162 and I was in a tight size 8 jeans.  I was overweight, unhealthy and unhappy.  Enough was enough.  I started exercising regularly and started using MyFitnessPal to track my calories.  I even started running!  I guess it was more like jogging at walking speed in the beginning, but hey it was something!  The pounds started to come off slowly but surely.

Since then I have lost 32 pounds and have even completed 2 half marathons!  I figured with this new body and eating well I would feel fantastic, right?!  That still was not the case.  For as long as I can remember I have had stomach issues.  I won't get into details, but let's just say I never felt good.  I finally went to the doctor and after many, many tests I have been diagnosed with Celiac Disease.  This means I cannot eat any foods containing gluten or there will be hell to pay.  I was devastated.  No more delicious baked treats like cake, bagels or donuts!  How could I possibly live?!  

Well after many slip ups I realized that my health and feeling good was more important than that donut.  And I have found there are many gluten free alternatives!  I am 1 month completely gluten free and I feel great!!!  My stomach that was always pooched out has even flattened out!

I hope this blog will help inspire others to get healthy.  Enjoy!


Here's a before and after.  Left: 162lbs. and unhealthy  Right: 134lbs. On the road to health
Follow me on Instagram @halie_patrick

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