Friday, June 21, 2013

Fun Facts About Me A-Z!

Today I have seen multiple people post
this survey to their blog and it
seems like too much fun not to copy them :)
So, in case you were wondering if I prefer gummy bears
over gummy worms... read on!

A. Attached or single?
Attached.  I have a great guy named Mac.
Yes, just Mac, not short for anything. 
He’s quite a catch if I do say so myself ;)

B. Best friend
Mac is my best friend, but I feel like this
doesn’t count and could possibly make people gag.
Does my dog Olive count?
No, that just makes me sound sad…
My true best friend would be this girl pictured here…
Her name is Kileigh (didn't she make a beautiful bride?).  
She is seriously the craziest
person I have ever met!
There is truly nobody else on the planet
like her.
I can always count on her for a good laugh.
Plus, she is my biggest fan! 
Always telling me nonsense about how
wonderful I am.
I mean hell, I’ll take it!
But, like I said… she’s crazy!
Oh yeah, and she has also started
her journey to get healthy and is
down 7 pounds!!
Woot woot!  Go Ki!!

 C. Cake or pie?
Well, I have recently been
diagnosed with Celiac Disease (gluten challenged as I like to call it).
My boyfriend calls it “my eating disorder” HA!
Anyways, I can no longer indulge in the
goodness of cake and pie.
What I wouldn’t do for a piece of either right now!
Sure, there are gluten free options,
but they just aren’t the same.
Long sigh……….

D. Day of choice?
Saturday of course!  1 full day of nothing but fun!
And it’s my long run day,
so I get to feel like a badass!

E. Essential item?
Can I choose multiple?
Running shoes of course!  Without them I wouldn’t get too far.
A dependable hair tie.  The kind that can
hold up this mop of hair…
Another very important item is Body Glide.
All I have to say is chaffing…ugh…
And of course my iPhone!
Oooppps, that was a lot more than one..

F. Favorite color?
Pink!  Duh..

G. Gummy Worms or Bears?
Well, it depends…
If they are the bright worms with the sour sugary stuff,
I want them!
If they are the Haribo brand bears,
I want them!

H. Home town
Sturgis, MI.
Land of the Amish and cornfields…
Yes, these signs do exist...

I. Favorite indulgence?
Ice cream…froyo…sorbet…
I will eat them all!
I often tell Mac that one day I’m just going to eat
dreamy, frozen treats all day long
and that’s it!
He thinks I’m nuts..

J. January or July
How is this even a question?
Who in their right mind would pick snow over
glorious sun?!
Also, one of my favorite holiday’s happens in July!

K. Kids?
Not real sure how I feel about them yet…
Does the dog count?

M. Marriage date?
Who knows…
Big sigh….

N. Number of brothers and sisters?
2 beautiful younger sisters!

O. Oranges or Apples?
Apples, especially Honey Crisp!
Oranges are too much work…

P.  Phobias?
Spiders, snakes and peach fuzz.
Yes, peach fuzz.
Weird, I know…eeek! 
Gives me shivers just thinking about it!

Q. Quotes?
“What if the Hokey Pokey is what it’s all about?” –Unknown

R. Reasons to smile?
The health of my loved ones and myself.

S. Season of Choice?
Summer of course!

T. Tag 5 people.

U. Unknown fact about me?
I have 1 partially webbed toe…

V. Vegetable?
So many to choose from!
Probably, asparagus.

W. Worst habit?
Picking at my fingernails.
It drives Mac CRAZY!

X. Xray or Ultrasound?
I don’t understand this question…
I’ve had multiple broken bones, so xray I guess…

Y. Your favorite food?
Chicken tacos, enchiladas…
All in corn tortillas, of course.

Z. Zodiac sign?
I’m a Pisces.
Apparently that means that I am
-Indecisive (oh yes! I am the most indecisive person on the planet!)
-Self-pitying (what!? LOL)
Interesting….Is it bad that more of the negative
characteristics are the most accurate?   

I would love to hear your answers to some of these!


  1. You KNOW I am going to say that Olive counts! :) The pictures of you and your sisters is adorable! Beauty runs in the family!

    1. Thank you so much! You are too sweet! 😊
