Thursday, June 13, 2013

Indecisive Me

So, lately I’ve been entertaining the idea of signing up for my first marathon.  It’s a very scary thought and sounds absolutely insane, right?!  This brings me to the question, “am I really a runner?”  I have been running for a few years now and have completed 2 half marathons.  My goal was just to finish both, which I did jogging very slowly mind you. But, I finished!  I thought that after I completed 13.1 miles I would surely feel like a runner.  Yet somehow I still don’t consider myself one.  People will ask me “well, you’re a runner right?” and I just can’t respond with “yes!” 

My idea of a runner is someone who does it with seemingly no effort.  They can hit the pavement each morning without even thinking about it.  How can some people just be born with this amazing talent?  I, on the other hand, have to get myself in the right frame of mind to get out there.  Some days I get out there and feel awesome.  Like I could run for days and when I finish 8 miles, I’m barely winded.  Then there are the days that I feel like I’m dragging anchors behind me and I can barely make it 2 miles.  Ugh, I hate those days!  Surely real runners never feel like that…

I first got into running because I thought runners were some of the coolest people on earth.  You are a true badass when you can just go out and run 10 miles like it’s nothing.  Like this man that lives in my neighborhood for instance.  He literally runs 10 miles every day!  Without music!  (Yet another reason I do not consider myself a real runner.  I MUST have music. Very LOUD music.  So loud that I cannot hear my breathing or feet hitting the pavement.)  If I see him coming when I’m out running I straighten up and try to not look like I’m dying haha!  I’m a freak, I know. 

I saw him out this past weekend at my boyfriend and I’s favorite brewery.  So, I decided to ask him what he thought about me signing up for a marathon.  He responded with “Don’t do it!”  Mr. I Run Like A Gazelle was telling me how he hates marathons!  How could this be?!  He said that I don’t have to run a marathon to prove that I’m a runner. (Oh, but I think I do…) This really made me rethink whether I want to actually do this or not.  Yet his friend that was with him chimes in with “oh you should do it for sure!”  This man has run multiple Ultra Marathons.  I also have a few other friends that said they really enjoyed their first marathon.  I’m so confused at this point. 

How am I supposed to know if I’m ready for a full marathon?  I am right on schedule with training and my time is even improving without me even trying (which is amazing to me!)  But, what if I have a bad day on race day?  What if I have to stop and walk?  What if I just can’t finish?  But, then again, what if I do finish and it’s the most amazing experience of my life?  I’m just too indecisive!  Ugh!

1 comment:

  1. Don't overthink it or you won't finish. Just sign up and don't think about it again. Just run. And you should read my friend Ashley's blog. She runs. Like got 2nd place in a half marathon in Boulder last weekend kind of runner. Like gets 6 pairs of shoes free each year from the running group she is a part of because she runs on behalf of them kind of runner. Like has course records kind of runner. And she has written about how everyone thinks it's easy for her and it's not. How it's hard to get out and run every day for her like it is for anyone else. It's helpful to know it's hard for those people too. Not just you and me :) Anyone that runs is a runner no matter how fast or how far. You rock HP!
