Thursday, June 27, 2013

Times Are A Changin'

Change…ugh.  I hate change!
This is not a good trait to possess. 
How I wish I were that “go with the flow” kinda girl…

But I’m not.
I envy those of you who are.
Imagine all of the stress I wouldn’t have about things that don’t matter.
That’s right, they don’t matter.
Ahhhh….breathe the big sigh of relief…
I am not currently breathing that relief.
Quite the opposite actually.
I was told today that my favorite fitness instructor,
and friend, will not be teaching at my gym anymore.
I am devastated.
I may have had a mini tantrum…

Cardio Fusion has been a staple in my
workout routine for about a year and a half now.
I knew I could always count on Melinda
to give me a great workout every Tuesday and Thursday.
The other days of the week are running days
or rest days.
Being a creature of habit,
this was a very good thing for me!
I’m “that person” who has “my spot” in class.
Obnoxious, I know…
If someone happens to take it, I pretend it’s not a big deal,
but I’m really throwing myself a secret pity party in my head.

Well, now I have no spot because I have no class.
I should take this as an opportunity to try
bigger and better things!
Like lifting weights more often for instance!
I have been wanting to get more serious
about lifting for awhile now, but just have not had the time
between Cardio Fusion and running.
Carpe Diem!  Right?!
Small breaths of relief…baby steps..

I do need some other ideas to spice up
my cardio routine though…
Any input would be great!!

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